bidang optis bahasa Inggris
- bidang: a range of; aspect; domain; field; purview;
- optis: optical; optic; ocular; opthalmic; visual
- bidang secara optis: optically plane
- bidang: a range of; aspect; domain; field; purview; tract; line; territory; plain; lot; country; stretch; region; ground; world; speciality; sector; parcel of land; arena; piece of ground; realm; area; larg
- aberasi optis: opfical aberration
- aktivitas optis: optical achvity
- anomali optis: optical anomaly
- bana optis: optical branchca
- bangku optis: optical bench
- cabana optis: opfical branch
- cakram optis: optical disc
- daya optis: optical power
- eksaltasi optis: optical exaltation
- elipsoid optis: optical ellipsoid
- fenomena optis: optical phenomena